Sunday, June 25, 2017

20 Things I've Learned At 20

I hit my twenties about two weeks ago, so I thought it would be fun to write a "20 things i've learned at 20" post! I definitely have so much more to learn, but hopefully you guys can still relate and enjoy this post.

  1. Change isn't always a bad thing.  It's okay to move on with your life. It's hard trying to explain yourself when others say "you've changed." It's funny how sometimes there's just something inside of you that tells you to "go," to try new things, be spontaneous with new people, etc... and honestly, it feels so good. If I stayed in my zone, stayed in Texas, went to the same school like everyone else I grew with, I'm 100% sure I wouldn't be who I am now. 
  2. You can't run away from problems. Or at least I couldn't. I moved thinking, okay new city new me. No stress. No problems. But ironically life has its own ways of throwing lemons back at you. 
  3. It's okay to enjoy being alone. My first year of uni, I didn't make any "new friends," I talked to the same people back from home, never socialized much, I didn't want to. As silly as it sounded, I thought if I met new people, I'd forget about everyone else. And that isn't true. Sometimes you just fall apart naturally from people, and that's okay. Sometimes it can be selfish, but why put in effort in something you know is part of the past. I enjoyed being alone during this change in my life. I enjoyed strolling around myself. Something about enjoying your own company.
  4. The classic, "you know who your true friends are after high school" thing, quite true. It's crazy how time flies and people become busy, me included. But it's amazing to still have a couple of friends who still hit you up every now and then as if nothing as changed. It could be once a month, once every couple months, and it'll be more than okay. Not to say my friends back in high school were nothing, they were and still are great people. But sometimes people change, and I'm one of those people who left a city to leave behind a past (as dramatic as that sounds). But when you have friends who understand how you feel without having to explain everything, those are the ones staying in your life. The ones who you never knew you'd end up being close to post-high school, those are the ones (in my case, at least). 
  5. Love your family, no matter how stressful it gets. I'm not going to deny, I can be a brat about family. All they do is complain and put unnecessary stress on you, then saying to let it go like it's easy. I wanted to move out after college and live on my own away from family, but at the end of the day, they're the reason why I have food on the table and a roof over my head. My grandparents and even my parents are getting older, and realizing that kind of sucks. I realize how privileged and blessed I am to even complain about the little things.
  6. Focus on yourself. Confidence is key. Comparing yourself to others... big no no! I used to say "I wish I had her life," or "I wish I looked like her," etc. but I learned to become comfortable in my own skin. I love who I am, and it's still a work in progress. Everyone has their own life problems, so honestly wishing you were someone else isn't so great. Work on yourself, better yourself, and as hard as it is, find a way to be your best self. Find something that brings you confidence. Blogging and exploring fashion happened to be something that helped me find confidence. 
  7. Dreaming is one thing, and goal getting is another. My dream was always having a "glam" life. High rise living in NYC before 25, spontaneous travels to everywhere and anywhere, all that typical "20 year old" dream. But getting there is another story. Goal getting is something I'm still working on, and it's hard trying to stay on track, but eventually, it'll happen. Or I'd like to think so. Just got to keep networking, exploring my personal brand, and hopefully landing that dream job of mine in the fashion and beauty industry. Things just don't come to lazy college students, so I really need to step up my game.
  8. Having an outlet outside of college is a good thing. That's where blogging came along! I started to take Instagram more serious, establishing an "aesthetic" and eventually creating my own blog. It's funny how editing photos/creating content relieves my stress (even though sometimes it's stressful itself haha). 
  9. You don't have to party hard in college to have a good time. Not going to lie, I'm not your party girl. But don't get me wrong, it's fun to go out every once and while and party the night away with good friends. It's okay to enjoy college in many other ways. You don't have to be invited to the party to feel important. You are important! I used to (and still do) watch so many snapchats of college parties and wish I had that college experience, but I'm happy with my lifestyle. I'm still having a good time.
  10. People can well, be people. People can suck, and honestly that's all to say about that. 
  11. Let go of negative attitudes. I used to be the angriest person, honest. I got mad easily and some days I still do, but then I remember how some things are just so little and life is too short to waste so much energy. I learned that telling myself "it's okay" works. I learned to just breathe in and out. It'll be okay eventually, and it feels good when it does. 
  12. Surround yourself with people who inspire and better you. I recently met so many amazing people and seeing the different talents and skills makes me so happy. I become inspired by them, and funny enough, find opportunities I never thought in my life would ever happen. 
  13. Don't be afraid to network. Networking is not everyone's cup of tea... it wasn't mine. There's so many events and opportunities to network throughout university, and it's so important to take advantage of them! You meet amazing people, and you never know, you might end up meeting them again one day. 
  14. "You may not always end up where you thought you were going, But you will always end up where you were meant to be." Before going to university, my high school's AP told me this quote and I've always thought about it since. It kind of sucks to hear, especially when you're the type of person who plans their life out but... c'est la vie. 
  15. Rejection doesn't define you. We've all been there... rejected from that dream school/dream job, and it really hurts at the moment (or a couple days...) but you'll be okay. It takes awhile sometimes, and it's okay to cry about it but just remember it could just be something so small in your life and there's something else ahead, you can find another way to hopefully fulfill your dream. We all have so much potential, let's try to put that to use. 
  16. University is hard. School is hard. It's not for everyone. But for those struggling to get by, you're doing great. It'll end soon, and it'll all be worth it. And maybe you'll miss it in the end. I learned C's are okay. It's hard not to let your GPA define you and your potential, but it's all about trying isn't it?
  17. Wanderlust is a real thing. As the years pass, all I think about is traveling. I think about wanting to collect moments abroad, getting lost in London and Paris. Meeting new people, finding who I am, becoming independent... I day dream about it all the time, and soon it'll be reality (I hope). 
  18. It sucks not to "figure everything out," but at the same time it's actually okay not to. I've always had a plan. Get through undergrad, find a 9 to 5 job, save up, and move to the big city. But then I learned I wanted to travel, not settle down in a place to pay rent if that makes any sense. There's so much I want and it's all jumbled up and I don't know if I have everything figured out like I thought I did. 
  19. Being truly "happy" is rare. So when you are happy, treasure that moment as cheesy as it sounds. Those moments where you find you're "truly happy," you'll know. It's just a feeling and as sad as it sounds, it comes and goes. Being happy is quite the ultimate goal. 
  20. Time Flies. I remember having my mom wake me up, drive me to school, and later picking me up. That was years ago. I remember bits and pieces of elementary, intermediate, middle, and high school and it was so so long ago. I remember moving and starting over in a new city, and that was already two years ago. I remember wanting to finish high school so fast, and when it did, it wasn't as satisfying as I thought it'd be. And now, I want to finish my undergrad within a blink of an eye, but realizing how time flies, I think I'll take my time and do my best to create memories. Time flies, I'll be freaking out in the real world soon enough. 

Outfit details:
Top & Bottoms: ZARA
Heels: Call it Spring

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